What happens during the test?
The test lasts for around 40 minutes. During that time, the examiner will cover 5 things:
- an eyesight check
- 'show me, tell me' car safety questions – it may be before or whilst moving
- general driving ability
- reversing your car
- independent driving
- following a satnav
- motorway driving – commencing 2018
Your examiner will assess your driving according to 3 types of faults:
- a dangerous fault – this involves actual danger to you, the examiner, the public or property.
- a serious fault – something potentially dangerous (this, and dangerous faults, are often referred to as majors).
- a driving fault – this isn't potentially dangerous, but if you keep making the same fault, it could become a serious fault (these are often referred to as minors).
You'll pass your test if you:
- have fewer than 15 driving faults (minors)
- avoid recording a single serious or dangerous driving fault (a major)
At the end of the test
Once you've returned to the test centre and safely parked, the examiner will tell you the test result. They'll then follow up with feedback, including how many and what type of faults were made.
- If you passed the examiner will:
- give you a pass certificate
- ask you if you'd like your full licence to be sent to you, or if you'd like to apply for it in your own time
If you didn't pass they'll tell you:
- the reason(s) why you didn't pass, including details of specific faults
- that you can book another test online and have another go
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